

Block Extra firm tofu

3 Maris Piper potatoes (medium size)

3 Spring Onions

2 Cloves Garlic

Piece of ginger

1x Green Chili

Handful Fresh Coriander

1x tablespoon Chinese 5-spice

3x Tablespoons Light Soy Sauce

5x Tablespoons Corn Flour


1x Tablespoon Sesame Oil

3x Spring Onions

3x Cloves Garlic

2x Green Chili

Piece Fresh Ginger

3x Tablespoons Light Soy Sauce

1x Tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce

2x Tablespoons Shaoxing Rice Vinegar

1x Tablespoon Hoisin Sauce

150ml Water

2x Tablespoons Corn flour and water


Start by bring a sauce pan of water to boil and adding some salt, bring it down to a simmer, peel the potatoes and add them to the saucepan and par-boil for 10-12 minutes. Once the time has passed, drain and set aside to cool.

Meanwhile, open the tofu and pat dry with some kitchen towel. Crumble it into small pieces in a mixing bowl. Once the potatoes are cool enough to handle, grate them into the mixing bowl. Finely chop the spring onions, garlic, ginger, chili and coriander, then add the remaining burger ingredients to the mixing bowl. 

Combine the mixture using your hands until it comes together like a dough. Weigh out 1/4 portions and shape these into burgers on a work surface. You may want to sprinkle the surface with some more corn flour as the mix is a bit sticky. Set the burgers aside while you prepare the sauce.

For the sauce finely chop the spring onions, garlic, ginger and chili and add them to a saucepan over a medium heat in sesame oil. Cook for 1-2 minutes before adding the remaining ingredients except for the cornflour. Allow to simmer while you cook the burgers.

Heat the oven to 180C (356F), add some neutral flavoured oil to a non-stick frying pan, and fry the burgers for a couple minutes on each side before baking in the oven for 20 minutes. About 5 mins before the burgers are ready mix the cornflour with a little water to form a slurry. Pour this into the sauce and stir to combine, this should cause the sauce to thicken up. If it does not thicken as much as you want it to just make some more cornflour slurry and add it a little at a time stirring it in until you reach the desired consistency.

Serve the burgers in a toasted bun with salad of choice and some of the sauce. Here I just used some spinach, spring onions, fresh coriander and some black sesame seeds.